Must-Read Op-Ed: To Get Air Travel off the Ground, We Need Federal Action

 The Hill recently published a must-read editorial urging the U.S. government to protect aviation jobs, mandate a healthy flying environment, and inspire the American flying public to fly again. Coauthored by Capt. Joe DePete, ALPA president, and Sara Nelson, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA international president, the article implores Congress and the administration to protect aviation workers during this critical time.


“Ten million Americans count on a strong U.S. aviation industry for their jobs. If we are to build an economic rebound for this country, we must protect the jobs of the frontline aviation workers who will help lift up the rest of the economy.” And time is running out.  When the Payroll Support Program expires on September 30, hundreds of thousands of aviation workers will lose their jobs and health insurance. And this impact will be felt not just in our industry, but across our entire economy. 


Join ALPA in asking Congress to support a clean extension of the Payroll Support Program through March 31, 2021, to bolster not only the aviation industry and its workers but also to support our nation’s economic recovery.

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